What are loose parts? What are the benefits of investing in these materials for the development of children’s learning?



What are loose parts? What are the benefits of investing in these materials for the development of children’s learning?

The concept of loose parts is not new but with the increasing commercialisation of childhood we have seen the demise of these important materials in early learning environments.

In this New session we will:

  • Develop an understanding of loose parts in varying forms, shapes and sizes
  • Explore the connection between loose parts and nature
  • Understand the meaningful role they play in quality learning experiences for children
  • Inform you about relevant research
  • Support you to access, accumulate and incorporate recycled products, commercial off cuts and pre-loved treasures into your program inside and out

This session provides lots of practical ideas on how to add a broader and richer range of materials, resources and provocations to Play Learning spaces, indoors and outdoors that Scaffold Learning.

This PD is a must for teachers and educators working with children aged 3 to 8 years of age.

Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS – 1.2,3.4,4.2,6.2

National Quality Standard: QA  - 1,3

Morning Tea provided

 Start & finish times: 9.30 am to 12.30pm