Early Childhood Play In Action looks at child development in more detail and explores the importance of connection with families as well as build skills and confidence to involve and communicate effectively with parents.
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We are delighted to bring you our NEW PD for 2022 which is also SCHOOL READINESS FUNDING APPROVED in Victoria across all three priority areas Communication, Wellbeing, and Access & Inclusion.
Participants will:
Participants will view segments of video footage and commentary of pedagogy “in-action” to deepen understanding and provide inspiration. Opportunity for guided professional conversation and discussion around play-based pedagogy and the priority areas of wellbeing, communication, and inclusive practice concludes the session.
An e-booklet The Importance of Play will be available for centres to share with families and caregivers.
This session complements Early Life Foundation's original Early Childhood Play Matters and Creating Engaging Environments for Pre-schoolers which both align with VEYLDF. Current research relevant to play and child development and a deeper look at what 2 to 6 year-old children need for social, emotional, and language development are a cornerstone of this PD.
Participants will observe excellent early childhood practice in action. This will be demonstrated through a virtual study tour of early childhood settings showcasing examples of play-based learning through investigations and will include takeaways and implementation strategies for your team.
In recognition of the importance of professional reflection, participants are provided with an electronic workbook to reflect and share experiences as part of a professional reflective dialogue during the session.