Walker Learning Virtual Study Tour (Year 2)



Join us for our Virtual Study Tour showcasing Walker Learning in a Year 2 classroom.  

The Virtual Tour takes you to a school where you will observe students and teachers in action, demonstrating the Walker Learning Approach.

You will observe:

  • tuning in
  • reflection
  • the learning environment
  • focus children
  • reporter and photographer

Further professional learning by our consultant follows which includes an introduction to the core elements of the pedagogy.

This inspirational Virtual Study Tour is for leaders and teachers interested in Play-based Learning or those already implementing Walker Learning and wishing to refine and clarify practice.

Walker Learning Study Tours are a "must-do" for educators and leadership who are new to or just beginning their Walker Learning journey.

*Online Customised Virtual Study Tours (F/K/P or R to Year 2) or whole school (F/K/P or R to Year 6) for individual schools or teams, can be arranged on request.

Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS –1.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 4.1,4.2, 5.4, 6.2

Walker Learning Approach PathwayThe Walker Learning Pathway
The Walker Learning Approach is a journey and is best implemented through a pathway of PD modules which can be attended online or delivered as customised sessions to your school.