Children love to be told stories! Come and join our online yarning circle with consultants and colleagues.


The Power of Storytelling with Aboriginal PerspectivesSRF Wellbeing SRF Wellbeing Student Wellbeing 

Brought to you by Aboriginal Education consultant Mikayla King and Early Life Foundations.

Children love to be told stories! Come and join our online yarning circle with consultants and colleagues. Be inspired to bring stories, written by a range of Aboriginal authors to life in your school or early childhood setting in creative ways.

Find out more about:

  • Choosing suitable Fiction and Non-Fiction books
  • Using these books as a resource for a variety of learning opportunities
  • Telling stories with natural resources
  • Creating prop baskets for dramatisation, storytelling, and small world play

Mikayla King is a Kalkadoon and Dutch woman who was born on Whadjuk Country of the Noongar Nation. Her experience in education spans over a decade in various roles including Aboriginal Islander Education Officer, Classroom Teacher and Deputy Prinicipal. Currently, Mikayla is lecturing at Edith Cowan University whilst completing her PhD. She has been recognised on a local and national level for her impact in the education realm.

Suitable for teachers of children aged 3-8 years in Early Childhood and Early Years of school

Embedding Aboriginal Perspectives aligns to EYLF Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5
EYLF Principles: Equity, inclusions and high expectations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, Critical reflection and ongoing professional learning.
EYLF Practices: Valuing the cultural and social content of children and their families.

The Power of Storytelling with Aboriginal Perspectives is a Kindy Uplift supported professional development session in Queensland. The priority areas for Kindy Uplift are Social and Emotional Capability, Physicality, Thinking and Resounding, Oral Language and Communication & Access and Inclusion. The Power of Storytelling with Aboriginal Perspectives strongly aligns with the Access and Inclusion priority area.

APTS 1.3, 1.4, 3.4, 3.7, 4.1, 6.2