An educators guide to the successful implementation of a Bush Kinder program.

Live online events

2 hours, 30 minutes, 09:30 AM AEST - 12:00 PM AEST


  • PD hours: 2.5
  • $290.00 excl. GST

2 hours, 30 minutes, 09:30 AM AEST - 12:00 PM AEST


  • PD hours: 2.5
  • $290.00 excl. GST


Bush Kinder - Getting the most out of your Outdoor Learning Program

Kindy UpliftNESA Recognised ProviderBush Kinder GrantsEYLF v2

What you will learn from this session:

This session explores all the nitty gritty details to be considered as you implement your Bush Kinder program. It provides an opportunity to dive deep into the details of implementing a Bush Kinder program so that both educators and children get the most of their learning in nature sessions. This session can be viewed as a stand alone professional development session or can be completed in conjunction with the sessions outlined in our Bush Kinder Certification pathway. Our Bush Kinder Certification pathway can assist teams choosing to implement a 2 year planning timeframe.

Participants attending Bush Kinder - Getting the most out of your Outdoor Learning Program will:

  • Give you practical tips on resourcing your Bush Kinder learning program in a way that takes advantage of the spontaneous learning opportunities that learning in nature provides whilst connecting and extending the centre based learning and curriculum.
  • Be introduced to the unique learning opportunities Bush Kinder provides with plenty of ideas of what to include in your program and tips on ‘what not to do’.
  • Be given ideas for experiences to enhance children’s in nature learning.
  • Be encouraged to trust the initiative of children to resource their own learning and become confident in extending learning opportunities.
  • Discuss how to shift your focus to take advantage of the ever-changing canvas learning in nature provides for children to learn and express themselves.
  • Receive expert guidance on completing benefit/risk forms. This session includes many examples and provides tips for overcoming the concerns of anxious parents. (and staff)
  • Give educators the confidence to troubleshoot concerns and address local authority rules and regulations.
  • Be given practical tips and resources for parents that promote the benefits children gain from taking part in a nature based learning program.
  • See videos and virtual tours show children and educators in a natural outdoor learning environment.
  • Hear from our team of Bush Kinder consultants who have a wealth of experience in nature-based teaching and learning. We will address commonly asked questions and provide opportunity for professional discussion and questions.

Bush Kinder Parent PresentationBush Kinder EYLF version 2Who should attend this session?Custom booking

Bush Kinder certificationBush Kinder certification

Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS – 4.1, 6.2 National Quality Standard: QA - 1, 2, 3, 6

NESA Recognised ProviderKindy Uplift

Educators in WA, SA, NT, and Tasmania who complete this course will be provided with a certificate and are able to use this course towards their maintenance of Registration requirements.