Live online events

3 hours, 09:30 AM AEDT - 12:30 PM AEDT


  • PD hours: 3
  • $330.00 excl. GST

3 hours, 09:30 AM AEST - 12:30 PM AEST


  • PD hours: 3
  • $330.00 excl. GST

3 hours, 09:30 AM AEST - 12:30 PM AEST


  • PD hours: 3
  • $330.00 excl. GST

3 hours, 09:30 AM AEDT - 12:30 PM AEDT


  • PD hours: 3
  • $330.00 excl. GST

    3 hours, 09:30 AM AEDT - 12:30 PM AEDT


    • PD hours: 3
    • $340.00 excl. GST

    3 hours, 09:30 AM AEST - 12:30 PM AEST


    • PD hours: 3
    • $340.00 excl. GST

    3 hours, 09:30 AM AEST - 12:30 PM AEST


    • PD hours: 3
    • $340.00 excl. GST

    3 hours, 09:30 AM AEDT - 12:30 PM AEDT


    • PD hours: 3
    • $340.00 excl. GST


    Early Childhood Play Matters

    School Readiness Funding Kindy Uplift NESA Recognised ProviderEYLF v2

    What you will learn from this session:

    Early Childhood Play Matters aims to equip early childhood educators with evidence and affirmation about the value of play. This session can be viewed as a stand alone professional development session or can be completed in conjunction with the sessions outlined in our Certification pathway. Our Certification pathway can assist teams choosing to implement a 2 year planning timeframe.

    By attending Early Childhood Play Matters you will: 

    • Learn how quality learning environments and programs build children’s capacity for literacy, numeracy and rich language opportunities through hands on play and investigative learning.
    • Build educator skills to scaffold and support children’s vocabulary, listening and comprehension skills, phonemic awareness, concepts of print and early literacy.
    • Gain ideas about learning environments to develop early numeracy skills through scaffolding in rich engaging play environments and incorporating intentional teaching.
    • Understand that relationships are the foundation for developing children’s social skills, through play and interactions with trusted adults, educators and peers.
    • Recognise the importance of providing a holistic environment that promotes children’s social and emotional learning and the importance of positive, safe, secure and respectful relationships.
    • Develop age appropriate strategies for attention, focus, working memory, perseverance and resilience.
    • See examples and hear about fine and gross motor development through varied, well executed play based learning environments and experiences indoors and outdoors.
    • Develop a pedagogical approach that is inclusive, developmentally authentic, culturally appropriate and considers demographic, economic and social factors.
    • Learn about planning for and documenting children’s learning and development effectively.

    ECPM parent sessionECPM EYLFECPM attendECPM customECPM certificationECPM certification

    Early Childhood Play Matters - Kathy Walker and Shona Bass

    This session is based on the book Early Childhood Play Matters, by Kathy Walker (OAM) and Shona Bass. The cost of attending this event is $330 per registration (excl GST). The book Early Childhood Play Matters is not automatically included with your registration. If you would like to receive a copy of the book it is available for purchase when you register for this event, increasing the registration cost to $390 (excl GST). PLEASE NOTE: You DO NOT need to purchase the book Early Childhood Play Matters to attend this event.

    Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS – 1.1, 3.7, 6.4,7.3 National Quality Standard: QA - 1, 3, 5, 6, 7

    NESA Recognised ProviderSchool Readiness FundingKindy Uplift

    Educators in WA, SA, NT, and Tasmania who complete this course will be provided with a certificate and are able to use this course towards their maintenance of Registration requirements.